Seashell Bouquet / Ocean Bouquet/ Seaside Bouquet/ Tropical Bouquet / Destination Bouquet/ Summer Bouquet/ Beach Bouquet Made to Order

Seashell Bouquet / Ocean Bouquet/ Seaside Bouquet/ Tropical Bouquet / Destination Bouquet/ Summer Bouquet/ Beach Bouquet Made to Order


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A seashell and Ribbon bouquet is a creative alternative to a flower bouquet If you love the sound of the ocean, it inspires you, and collecting seashells was a special past-time, this seashell bouquet may add the perfect, creative touch to your special day and this bouquet will continue to give pleasure as a home decoration well after the wedding and will be a treasured memory long after the special day.

Each bouquet is individually handcrafted from seashells, then arranged into a unique seashell flower bouquet that any ocean bride could wish for.

Measures 21 inches round at its widest point and measures 14 inches from mid top to mid bottom of bouquet design.

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